Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 
"Whats right isn't always popular. Whats popular isn't always right." 
Albert Einstein 
     I find this statement very true. Most of the things we do are wrong but we still follow through and do them because we think that its is right just because everyone else does it. For example, smoking marijuana. Most teens/adults smoke marijuana and think its OK because everyone else does it so they're a band wagon and tag along, not knowing that what they're doing is wrong. They see so many people doing it constantly and they think hey its OK and try it. They're choosing the wrong because we shouldn't be doing drugs. Whats right isn't always popular. This is true. Most people who do nice deeds and choose the right are usually not doing what is popular. For example in class we talked about a guy named Joe who goes once a week to the park and gives haircuts to those who cant afford them. The deed he is doing is not popular but it is right. He is helping those in need without being asked to. He is choosing the right and we need more people like Joe in the world. We should always do and choose the right. No matter if its popular or not.


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