Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement 

"Character matters most."
Dale Murphy 
     I do not know what  this has to do with choosing the right but whatever. Anyways i believe that someones character is important because like that determines if i'm gonna have them stay in my life or not. Like not to be shady or anything but like some of my "friends"  have changed and they do not have a nice character. Not gonna say names. But yea its dumb but w.e. OK, so like this character shiz is also important because like what if you think this guys cute or what not but he has a bad personality/character. Wait isn't that the same thing? Anyways yea what if you do not like their character or whateva and like you're gonna cut the person off right? You don't want someone with a bad character to be your boyfriend or girlfriend, whatever you're into, to be f'd up to you, right? Thats why its important,, it think. But i shouldn't be talking cause i could be a b at times too. Ya feel? Ewwwww never saying that ever again. OK, byeeeeeeeee. Choose the right. hehehehe or not, idc what you do as long as i'm good.


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