MY student success statement

MY student success statement 

"Drama can be avoided if doing the right thing." 

Andrea Martinez

      choosing the right applies to everything. High school is filled with drama and some of us just don't want it. The easiest way to avoid it and try to end it if ever put in the situation is doing the right thing. In these cases the right thing is, ignoring it. Don't add gasoline to a fire that's already burning. Drama isnt nice, especially when it is spun out of control. Gossiping is like an endless game of telephone. Im not saying i'm perfect and haven't done it because no ones perfect and everyone makes mistakes. I had to make a mistake of involving myself in drama in order for me to learn this valuable lesson. We can simply avoid it all by doing the right thing. Gossiping is bad and that starts drama. Doing something bad starts drama so do the right thing, it'll prevent all this. Choose the right because that'll keep you drama free.


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